Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Personal Essay

Today in Socratic we learned about Personal Essay. Essay means to test or to try. A personal essay is a essay about yourself. It can also be a short essay it does'nt have to be a novel. When you write about a personal essay you can write storys about yourself or other people. For example we read "The Death Of The Korean Boxer." It tells a story about a great boxer, and when he died all the people who lived in Korea stoped talking about boxing. The story also tells about other storys and then it relates the storys to other things and other people. Thats what i think a personal essay is. Write what you think a personal essay means to you.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wu Wei

Today in Socratic, we learned what Wu Wei means. Wu Wei means submission to the natural order of things "non-actual" or not doing.

Its allowing yourself to move freely without conventional social and moral constraints or conventional morality. They don't like ethics what is right and wrong.

We also learned about Confucius. Founder: Kung Fu-Tzu ( "Kung the master) it later became latinized as "Confucius"

Jen(pronounced "ren") Jen means benevolence, goodness,human-heartdness kindness.

The History Of China

In Socratic we are learning the history of china and their culture. In Socratic on September 29 we learned about Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang is the belief that the world operates through the interaction of the two opposite yet complementary forces.

We learned about the five elements theory interaction and balance. its a balance of the five basic element that are constantly interacting. Yin is summer and Yang is winter.

Monday, September 29, 2008

New Writing Skill

In Socratic we learned how to do a new writing skill, it's called SUMMARIZE YA!!!!!
We learned that we needed to know how much info is packed into it,easy to read, how to cover the main points correctly and sequentially. We learned the four C's into writing a summary.

1. Concise( to the point, no unnecessary details,no distractions)
2. Complete( includes all the important ideas)
3.Correct( factually accurate)
4.Connected( Show how each idea is related to the others

Friday, September 5, 2008


For Socratic seminar we learned about homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Some examples of homophones are: too, to, and two, weather and whether, lie and lye, dye and die (just kidding Mr. Dye. HA HA). See how many homophones you can come up with?

How To Write A UBSCT Essay

Today, September 5th, we learned how to write an essay for the UCSCT test. We drew a hamberger and the top bun was the intro, the lettuce was the second strongest supporting argument, the tomato was the weakest supporting argument, the patty was the strongest supporting argument, and the bottom bun was the conclution. We also learned how to get ideas and organize them together. Then we learned how to write about the "teenage" POV, and the "audult" POV. Then we learned how to stick them into eachother to make the thesis statement. I thought that that was a good lesson that we learned because I really wanted to learn about it.